UBD Botanical Research Centre

Overseas Tourist Package

Explore UBD Botanical Garden!
Discover diverse plants and enjoy hands-on educational activities.
A perfect blend of nature and learning awaits you!

Explore UBD Botanical Garden!
Discover diverse plants and enjoy hands-on educational activities.
A perfect blend of nature and learning awaits you!

Booking Process

  • Travel Agent can refer to UBD BRC website [brc.iber.ubd.edu.bn]for available visit dates.
  • Advance booking is required:
  • 1 week in advance for basic package.
  • 2 weeks in advance for full package.
  • Booking is on a first-come first-served basis.
  • Travel Agent to complete online booking form from UBD BRC website to secure bookings.
  • Travel agent must submit full name list of the tourists to UBD BRC during booking for administrative, health and safety purposes.
  • Booking confirmation, invoice and payment form will be provided within 2 working days via email after booking form is completed.
  • Travel agent to settle full payment (in BND) via UBD e-pay gateway and submit the payment form to UBD BRC.
  • Payment for basic package to be completed within 3 working days before visit date.
  • Payment for full package to be completed within 7 working days before visit date.
  • UBD BRC will provide an official receipt within 2 working days of payment.
  • UBD BRC will liaise with the travel agent for necessary arrangements prior to visit.


Available Visit Dates for 2024

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